hej allihoppa vi har fått in en massa komentarer av personer som säger att dom är med i tävlingen, men om ni kollar längre ner så ser ni att vi redan har utsett 3 vinnare. vi gjorde det för 2 månader sen eller ungefär men bara så att ni vet men ni får gärna vara med nästa gång vi har en tävling ! :)
Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Hooters Love

In Costa Mesa.... //Maja
Justin Bieber GETTING TATTOO Pictures

Rihanna Kissing Younger Boy -Pic

Justin och Selena sjunger karaoke

justin twittrade nyss
NEVER SAY NEVER 3D out on DVD NOW!! SOMEDAY out June 20th...and thank you to the fans...who are always there for me and I will always be there for them http://www.youtube.com/justinbieber
Recent Tweets

justinbieber Justin Bieber
liked talking to this reporter. she was real - hollywoodreporter.com/news/justin-bi…

justinbieber Justin Bieber
not feeling so great today
justin och hans kompis christian - cicci

jag vill oxå sitta där och äta mat med dom ;D
justin har twittrat 10.000 gånger !! - cicci
shitt det var INTE lite det jag har bara gjorr det 48 ggr tror jag XD bahahah lite skillnad
blogga igen !!!!!! :D
hej det är jag cecilia ! :) det var jätte längesen jag hat bloggat !! det blev en rejäl paus där ! :/ men nu ska jag försöka attbörja blogga mer igen minst ett inlägg per dag iallafall för jag har igentligen 3 bloggar xD men den ena har jag slutat att blogga på för att vi skaffade den här men sen skaffade jag och carmen en till blogg som vi har tillammans :) www.paartyrock.devote.se
ju mer ni sprider bloggen ju mer läsare får vi och snälla komentera för det är sjukt kul med komentarer av alla er underbara människor och så får man mer lust att blogga ! :)
ju mer ni sprider bloggen ju mer läsare får vi och snälla komentera för det är sjukt kul med komentarer av alla er underbara människor och så får man mer lust att blogga ! :)
Justin Bieber Perfume Makes Over $3M

justin bieber, Malibu


Ger ut biljetter

Justin & David Haye

Selena använder Justins kläder:/

Justin & Selena!
Cover your ears, Beliebers! Justin Bieber has reportedly told girlfriend Selena Gomez that she's "the one".
The teen lovebirds aren't just madly in love but they're also planning their futures together, OK! magazine reported.
"Justin has told Selena she's the one", an unnamed source close to the couple told OK! "Selena adores Justin and is definitely in love for the first time in her life."
Just a few weeks ago, rumours were swirling around Hollywood with reports that Justin, 17, was set to propose to his 18-year-old girlfriend.
"He's planning to propose to her at a birthday party he's organising for her", an unnamed source close to Justin told Now magazine.
And it's not just the Biebs thinking about his romantic future.
"[Selena's] talked about how cute their kids would be and that sort of thing," the gossipmonger continued.
"[They] are having an intimate relationship. But she's not going to let herself get pregnant. She definitely loves kids and could see herself having Justin's baby one day. But it's not going to be right now."
Cover your ears, Beliebers! Justin Bieber has reportedly told girlfriend Selena Gomez that she's "the one".
The teen lovebirds aren't just madly in love but they're also planning their futures together, OK! magazine reported.
"Justin has told Selena she's the one", an unnamed source close to the couple told OK! "Selena adores Justin and is definitely in love for the first time in her life."
Just a few weeks ago, rumours were swirling around Hollywood with reports that Justin, 17, was set to propose to his 18-year-old girlfriend.
"He's planning to propose to her at a birthday party he's organising for her", an unnamed source close to Justin told Now magazine.
And it's not just the Biebs thinking about his romantic future.
"[Selena's] talked about how cute their kids would be and that sort of thing," the gossipmonger continued.
"[They] are having an intimate relationship. But she's not going to let herself get pregnant. She definitely loves kids and could see herself having Justin's baby one day. But it's not going to be right now."