justin och hans fans

aww, så söt justin är :')) <3
Justin och Selena, SLUT ?

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in BALI
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez had a secret day in the world’s most beautiful island Bali, located in Indonesia.
Looking so happy, Selena sitting on Justin’s lap.
Justin tweeted:
“After a long 24 hours and some crazy plane trouble we finally made it out. Thank you to Indonesia and our secret day in BALI.”
Justin Bieber’s mini private concert in Bali.
Justin and Selena receiving gifts.
Baby.. baby.. ohh…
Lucky Balinese fan posing with Bieber while he’s shirtless on the beach.
Justin Bieber went to Bali for a holiday before heading to Australia.
justin i Australien
justin bieber jump off the stage in malaysa
Justin Bieber takes the stage performing in front of 20,000 beliebers with special guest Joel Madden from Good Charlotte.
“yeah i jumped in the crowd last night…had to. It was a party.” He tweeted.
watch the video!
kolla in videon på youtube ! )
justin har över 9 miljoner " followers" på twitter !
Justin Bieber has officially reached the 9 millions follower mark on Twitter, making him only the second celebrity to cross that threshold. At midday on Friday, he was about 30,000 followers beyond the significant mark. Who else in the celebosphere has hit that massive number?
Lady Gaga became the first A-lister to top nine million, and she’s already less than 500k followers of the incredible 10 million mark.
The Gaga vs. Bieber battle even goes beyond Twitter. The two also dueled for some time on YouTube, as their videos for “Baby” (Bieber) and “Telephone” (Gaga) dueled for the most viewed video of all time. Back in July, Bieber topped Mama Monster officially.
And just to give him another view, get your “Baby” fix below, which is currently at a ridiculous 523 million views
// cicci
Selena Gomez träffade Bieber
Justin and Selena arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia, amidst tight security but paparazzi managed to snap a few photos!.
These pictures prove that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are still on. The breakup rumor was not true.
Justin Bieber among TIME’s 100 most influential people in 2011
Justin Bieber has been included on TIME magazine’s annual 100 most influential people list.
Justin will join otherr celebrities including Mark Wahlberg, Bruno Mars, Chris Colfer, Blake Lively, Sting and Amy Poehler on the list and although Charlie Sheen has not been included, Justin admitted the former ‘Two and a Half Men’ star would be his choice for the number one spot.
Other famous people included on 100 most influential people are the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey and Barrack Obama. Check here for the full list.
The honor comes after a particularly successful year for Justin, which saw him release his debut movie ‘Justin Bieber: Never Say Never 3D’ and have his second album ‘Never Say Never: The Remixes’ top the US Billboard charts.
Those individuals who have made the 100 most influential people list will be honoured at the TIME 100 Gala which will be held at Jazz at the Lithe Time Warner Centre in New York on Tuesday (26.04.11).
Read also: Complete list of Justin Bieber Awards and achievements.
Source: Toronto.com
bilder från israel
fans kollar på när justin spelar fotboll
Bieber satte eld på sin mammas hår
Justin Bieber ville under helgens konsert fira sin mamma Patties födelsedag med en stor tårta. Inför tusentals av skrikande fans drog han upp henne på scenen.
Det han inte räknat med var att mammans hår fattade eld.
Justin Bieber satte eld på sin mammas hår under en konsert i Tyskland i helgen. I slutet av uppträdandet i Berlin drog ”Baby”-stjärnan ut sin mamma Pattie på scenen för att fira hennes födelsedag med en tårta.
Skulle blåsa ut ljusen
När hon böjde sig ner för att blåsa ut ljusen började håret att brinna. Lyckligtvis handlade Justin snabbt och släckte de brinnande hårtopparna. Efteråt twittrade de båda om händelsen.
– Sick show in Berlin ...brought @studiomama on stage 2 sing her happy bday but she lit her hair on fire with the candles. lol. i saved her. (sic), skrev Justin efter showen.
Mamma Pattie var inte sen med att själv berätta sin historia.
–Thank u @justinbieber for the cake (& embarrassing me on stage lol).
Mammas pojke
Justin Bieber dejtar just nu Disney-stjärnan Selena Gomez, men det är ingen tvekan om att han är mammas pojke. Nyligen avslöjade han att det alltid är hon som godkänner hans flickvänner.
– Jag skulle inte ta med en tjej hem om inte mamma godkände henne. De dåliga flickorna tar man inte hem till sin mamma.
Här tränar popikonen med Barcelonas lag
Här tränar popikonen
med Barcelonas lag
Utmanar Bojan en mot en
Popsensationen Justin Bieber är just nu i Spanien som en del av sin världsturné.
Väl där passade 17-åringen på att träna med Barcelonas fotbollslag.
Justin Bieber har gjort en sensationell karriär som popstjärna i USA och dominerar just nu biograflistorna i landet med sin dokumentära film. Nu ska 17-åringen erövra världen.
Under sin turné passade popartisten också på att träffa några andra världsartister. Bieber bjöds in av FC Barcelona och tränade tillsammans bland andra Bojan, Thiago och Benja.
”Förvånande talang”
”Alla spelade mot samma mål och Bieber visade förvånande talang med sin vänsterfot”, skriver Barcelona på sin hemsida.
Besöket har uppmärksammats i spansk, brittisk, amerikansk och nu även svensk press.
Här tränar popikonen med Barcelonas lag
Här tränar popikonen
med Barcelonas lag
Utmanar Bojan en mot en
Popsensationen Justin Bieber är just nu i Spanien som en del av sin världsturné.
Väl där passade 17-åringen på att träna med Barcelonas fotbollslag.
Justin Bieber har gjort en sensationell karriär som popstjärna i USA och dominerar just nu biograflistorna i landet med sin dokumentära film. Nu ska 17-åringen erövra världen.
Under sin turné passade popartisten också på att träffa några andra världsartister. Bieber bjöds in av FC Barcelona och tränade tillsammans bland andra Bojan, Thiago och Benja.
”Förvånande talang”
”Alla spelade mot samma mål och Bieber visade förvånande talang med sin vänsterfot”, skriver Barcelona på sin hemsida.
Besöket har uppmärksammats i spansk, brittisk, amerikansk och nu även svensk press.
att justin och selena har splittrats är inte sant
US Magazine reports have suggested that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have decided to “cool off” their romance.
The National Enquirer has claimed Gomez has dumped Justin after he was allegedly still texting ex-love interest, Jasmine Villegas.
An insider told the US magazine: “Selena was heartbroken. She confronted Justin, and at first he denied it but then came clean. She told him their romance was over, but she was willing to stay friends.”
They added: “Although Selena has bounced Bieber, she’s left the door open for reconciliation.”
The rumor above are not true. Selena and Justin are still very much together, and haven’t been spotted arm-in-arm recently because Justin is currently on tour Europe. Phew!
READ: Justin and Selena Break UP prediction
Meanwhile in other news, Justin has expressed his concern for fans in Madrid after finding out he was bringing his My World tour to a venue with no seats. He tweeted telling beliebers: “No seats today at the venue hope no one gets hurt.”
// cicci
Justin Bieber spotted with new Hoodie
PHOTO: celebuzz
Another day, another hoodie for Justin Bieber!
Justin attending smash documentary Never Say Never in Madrid and was sporting this rather casual look.
Justin Bieber in Purple Underwear Attacking Mc Donalds
Justin spent a day running about town in Madrid with his jeans falling off, revealing his (naturally) purple underwear.
Justin and his team hit up McDonald’s for a daytime meal.
/ cicci
David Beckham Sunbathing with Justin Bieber!
Denna bild var postat på Twitter genom Becks fru Victoria som skojade med Justin Bieber att han hade stulit hennes plats på hennes solstol.
berättade hon till fansen: "OMG!! En besökare kom bara!! Gissa vem??
"Och nu är han sola ... Han tog min solarium!"
Förra veckan David Beckham (35) berättade JimmyKimmel att hans son Romeo är stort fan av Justin Bieber och han ville namn lillasyster Justine Bieber Beckham.
( jag översatt och det blev lite konstigt jag försökte å fixa det men fattar inte vad som igentligen ska stå där ??)
// cicci <3
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez to DUET & Making Music Together?
We know Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber make cute couple. But will they bring their chemistry into the recording studio for a duet together?
Read what Selena told Eonline.com at the Kids’ Choice Awards in L.A.
“I don’t know,” Gomez said hesitantly when asked about working professionally with boyfriend Justin Bieber.
“You know, with my friends, I always make sure that I try to keep like family and business separate because it doesn’t really go well sometimes… I don’t know about that. We’ll see.”
So she’s at least open to the idea?
“Yes!” she smiled.
Justin Bieber and Ashton Kutcher New Movie “What Would Kenny Do?”
Justin Bieber and social media/actor Ashton Kutcher are joining forces for a new comedy film entitled “What Would Kenny Do?“, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Justin Bieber will play a younger version of Ashton Kutcher.
Although Justin Bieber not being available to shoot the Film until 2012 because of his touring commitments, an update has since stated that the project has been under development “for months, with Bieber both in mind and on board.”
This is not the first time JB and Ashton have tried to hook-up, following reports in January that Kutcher wanted Justin Bieber to host a revamped version of his hit MTV show, Punk’d.
There’s no word on who will direct “What Would Kenny Do?” or when we can expect to see it in theaters, but with mega-talent like Justin Bieber on board, people would be crazy to let this one sit dormant for too long.
Justin Bieber WINs Two Trophies on JUNO AWARDS 2011
Justin Bieber won his first-ever trophies at Juno Awards on Sunday, March 27 night in Toronto, Canada. He won in two categories; Fan Choice Award and Pop Album of the Year for “My World 2.0″.